Monday, February 4, 2013

What's Mine is Mine

Last Thursday I let the kids ride their bikes to our tram stop for the first time. They all latched their bikes to the rails with the word locks they had gotten for Christmas  Eli could not get his to work quite right but as the train came pulling up we had to leave it .... after all who would steal a kids bike. When will I learn not to think that way? Sure enough I walked back to the tram stop at 2:00 and the bike was gone. Just like that the very first day it was gone! So of course Eli was very upset Michael was even more upset but what can you do? Our insurance deductible was way more than the cost of the bike. So Michael drove around different neighborhoods looking for it for two days. We had all but given up....
    This morning we were a tad late to school and took a much later train. So late we all found seats on the fairly empty ride.  We rode by our normal stops and Elijah screamed out there is my bike, and there it was a bright orange, shiny, clearly american bike locked up at the main stop. We continued on to school and I promised him I would go back and check. After they were all checked in I took the train back to the main stop. I called Michael at work to tell him, everything about it looked like Elijah's back but I could never be completely sure. Then I looked closer the little brat had locked the bike up with Eli's bike lock. Michael said unlock it and take it home. So I did I unlocked the bike and then walked it back two miles home in the rain. If that is not love I don't know what it is? I would have loved to see the kids face when he went back to the tram to ride is stolen bike home, I guess he had to walk today.

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