Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homeless, Broke, and Hungry

Please forgive me McDonalds for anything negative I have ever said against you.
When we were living in a hotel with no kitchen and very little money you were there for us.
When  we did not want to take three kids into a quite dark restaurant we saw your arches.
When we could not read an entire menu you were there with your brightly colored pictures.
When it was cold and dark outside at 4:30 you had a small but effective indoor play area for kids.
When I had not eaten all day because I was trapped in a hotel room you were there with a Big Rosti.
In case your wondering it's a quarter ponder with Ementaler Cheese, bacon, crispy hash brown, and big Rosti sauce???? on a onion bun.


June Bugs said...

I bet you heard angles singing when you saw the arches?

Fragile Things said...

Oh my Glenda...oh,oh my!!!

amanda said...

Rosti is off the hook!