Sunday, January 6, 2013


     Pizza sounded like a good idea... until I realized I had to order it. Michael drove the monster van to downtown Kaiserswerth so I could hop out at a local pizzeria. One again I asked the owner if she spoke English "nein"... that's OK I'll order in German! After several people walked in front of me I ordered, I did very well or at least she understood me. One Margarita and two large salamis for a grand total of 15.50 euros. So then I waited as she rolled out the dough, put the toppings on, and stuck them in a tiny oven. The only problem was she kept talking to other people about the Americano... clearly I understand enough to know she was talking about me. I just had no idea what else she was saying about the Americao, which made me feel very "small." That's OK I thought, I am a grown up and I have to get used to our new world and all that I don't understand. I paid, I smiled, and I took our Americano dinner for five. Which we then ate as our very first meal in our new home.


Unknown said...

I always hate when people talk about foreiners in our country as if they were "small". Just because they don't understand the language isn't reason to talk down to us- in any language. Hold your head up, you'll figure out the language soon enough. And then we will laugh because you've lost your Americano accent! **I'd like to note that the code that I have to type in to prove I'm not a robot is "GMSOLDIER" hmmmmm...

June Bugs said...

Not your Papa John's! Maybe she was taking about what a fashionable outfit you had on, lol....jk.